An innovative business solution for medical institutions
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This module offers the possibility of fast and easy client ordering, along with the creation of offers for products, services and remarks about individual items related to the customer.
Provides the ability to generate and review work calendar data and agreed procedures necessary for a business.
Is used for registering and managing organisation data about scheduled working hours, shifts, and terms of work of employees separated by their jobs, activities and locations.
Provides the option of managing and tracking of ordered clients and appointments, clients in process, processed and completed clients.
A module containing stored client information which provides insight into existing and potential client (or lead) data and their preferred channel of communication.
It contains a complete overview of the entire medical documentation of the client, reports and plans of therapy, financial and other processing data.
Setup module for business informations about the structure of the company, business services and products, work schedule, finance and billing, as well as inventory data and other necessary predefined data.
Offers the ability to record and review client processing data, as well as managing data with the use of client's medical history record and other similar actions.
Provides a overview of current data, historical and statistical information recorded in business with the possibility of comparing and analyzing over time period.
Aplikacija medCRM prepoznata je od strane predstavnika Hrvatskog informatičkog zbora i predstavnika tehnološke medijske kuće VIDI te je odabrana u 50 najperspektivnijih hrvatskih poslovnih programskih rješenja za 2020. godinu. Ovim važnim odabirom dokazana je vrijednost i kvaliteta kojoj težimo kako bi našim korisnicima omogućili vrhunsko tehnološko rješenje.
Poliklinike i ordinacije koje…
At this year's "Future is Now" conference in Bratislava, experts were able to share experiences and propose solutions in the field of health data, thanks to the QuBit Academy and the HIT conference to the conference organizers.
The highlights of this year's conference were the collection and better use of health…